Mobie Academy offers educational institutions, schools and trainers a versatile OnEdu learning environment developed by hundreds of Finnish schools now as a Mobie web shop. The service is available either per institution/school or alternatively an individual teacher, trainer or course group can take it for their own use. The deployment of the service does not require separate investments, but is completely free for training providers.
Students or pupils pay a small monthly fee for using the system. The service can be deployed for the desired period of time, after which the course materials can be stored in external sources and returned to the system at any time with performance data and notes. This means that you do not have to pay the system usage fee for a the period of time it will not be used. The service thus functions as a student’s personal learning portfolios.
The service includes:
- your own learning environment whose visual appearance is customizable
- internal system social media/communication
- course-specific student groups
- monitoring the performance of students by group
- 8 types of basic task types, as well as evaluative feedback tasks (form/file)
- 37 interactive H5P task types whose performance is monitored as part of reporting
- interactive 360 images and videos
- Pokemon Go style AR tasktrack
- crosswords
- as well as many other interactive tasks
- Office 365 Compatibility
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The service is free for recognized training providers, others €150/month.
VAT will be added to the prices.