
Description of the register pursuant to section 10 of the Personal Data Act (523/1999)
Date created: 01.10.2017
Updated: 18.09.2023

1. The Registrar

Mobie Oy (Business ID: 2346592-7)
Snellmaninkatu 2 B, 2nd floor, FI-70100 Kuopio, Finland

Phone: +358 50 326 1742

2. Contact person for registry matters

Jukka Sormunen

3. Name of the register

Mobie Oy’s customer register

4. Purpose

The register is used for customer relationship management and as a source of business decisions. The register is used as a source of information to maintain the customer’s service, such as delivering newsletters, announcements, and other communications related to the service.

5. Information content of the register

The register is made up of two separate registers containing information about the customer accounts, the services related to these accounts and licenses. The registers are separate but interconnected to provide the service. The customer registry contains information about the customer’s name, billing address, other contact information, services used, licenses and orders. The Service Register contains information about all information contained in the Customer’s Service.

6. Regular sources of information

All information contained in the register is collected from the customer during the opening of the service or when using the service. The customer has the opportunity to change the information in the register through the My Account function and the customer-specific Control View.

7. Regular release or transfer of data

The contents of the customer register are not transferred or released outside Mobie Oy, outside the EU or the European Economic Area. Except where the provision of the service ordered by the customer requires the transfer or transfer of information to Mobie Oy or third party registers or systems.

8. Registry Protection Principles

The register and its contents are stored in information systems that are carefully protected, both in terms of the network and physically. The protection is the responsibility of Mobie Oy’s technical staff as well as the authorized partners used by Mobie Oy, who provide the services required for Mobie Oy to provide the service. Mobie Oy’s authorized partners, for their part, are responsible for the physical as well as information system integrity of the information systems in cooperation with Mobie Oy. The data is accessed by Mobie Oy’s own data processing employees, who have signed a confidentiality agreement. To view this information, you must log in with a user-specific username.